The Surprising Truth About Academic Success: Why Reading for Enjoyment Is the Secret to Stronger Academic Performance
Giving teens choice in their reading brings about surprisingly positive results!
Giving teens choice in their reading brings about surprisingly positive results!
Discover how mastering English Language Arts skills can unlock career opportunities—on land and at sea! Learn from a Carnival Paradise housekeeping manager how ELA helps with communication, leadership, and success in a multilingual workplace.
Have you ever asked your teenager about their day only to be met with a one-word answer? As teen parents, we have all been there. But what if I told you that asking the right questions could not only spark meaningful conversations but also significantly encourage your teenager to enjoy the process of learning?
“I hated reading… until I found the right book.” Meet Sutairra, an 8th-grade student who went from resisting books to becoming completely "book hooked!" 📖