Contact Us

About Me

I cannot wait to meet your learner! 

I hold a bachelor's degree in education, a master's degree in Ed-Tech Leadership, and certifications in special education.

However, the one constant in all of my 31+ years in education is my passion for engaging middle school students in the area of English language arts.

My path in education began in Early Childhood Special Education and ended with teaching English as well as English-as-a-Second Language to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors .

Nonetheless, I spent the majority of my years teaching middle school students. This particular age group has always been where I am comfortable and happy.

Throughout my years in education, these three things remained a constant focus for me---

  • The importance of parents in the educational process.

  • My life-long appreciation for the wonderful human beings in the middle school age range.

  • My strong belief that small accomplishments can be as significant as the large accomplishments during the learning process.

Please join me in my online classroom where your child will be amazed at how much they can learn!

(210) 660-6979

709 Denney St., Eldorado TX 76936